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Backdated Options - Hello SEC?

Message ID: 377508 Posted By: lttscoparty Posted On: 2006-06-04 16:32:00 Subject: Backdated Options - Hello SEC? Recs: 32 I've got to give Bert Young a little credit - sometimes a scam participant does the right thing despite being part of a scam. Since he took over as CFO at SCOX, it appears to me that all Form 4 filings WRT option grants have been quite timely on his watch. Unless I'm missing something, back-dating of option grants is not a regulatory issue for his period of tenure. Robert Bench appears to have been quite the doozy though, and I don't think it will go unnoticed. I figured that the period of interest would be when the stock price ran up during 2003, and I was right. Disclaimer: I will be referring to discrepancies between share prices on the strike date & the date filed as "unjust enrichment". I am not an accountant, an attorney or an SEC investigator - hell, it takes me three or four minutes to count my fingers & t...
Recent posts

Sarbanes-Oxley and other violations

Message ID: 308599 Posted By: freecode_99 Posted On: 2005-10-02 11:14:00 Subject: Sarbanes-Oxley and other violations Recs: 42 Looking for all of the transcripts of SCO Group conference calls wherein Herby played the fool. They list SCO Group as a portfolio company, yet never once do I remember them revealing that relationship in a conference call. Guess that their research was a little deeper than just a research report and yet another of the SarbOx violations committed here. BTW: Anyone who certified those docs - you hung yourself. Stupid to certify false statements when you knew better. This one needs to be the most detailed to date, and it may take a few more weeks to nail it completely, but anyone with transcripts, please send links to I can get all of the SEC docs from Edgar, but will be quoting the relevant material and tables wherein they describe MSFT/SUN payments as SCOsource revenue, and then the Novell responses wherein they claim...

gopher_byrd: Done & done

Message ID: 307152 Posted By: freecode_99 Posted On: 2005-09-28 00:19:00 Subject: gopher_byrd: Done & done Recs: 14 This follows on to the letter of 10/19/2004 of the SarbOx violations in re: Novell's ownership claims in regards to UNIX. This complaint deals with specific problems of the SCOsource programs and their filings, as well as the Sections 302, 303, 304, 305 & 307 (SCOX schemers) violations, as well as Title V and its appropriate rules, covering the Rule 33-7881 violations under this scandal by those regulated under Title V. Have a nice evening all. freecode ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "freecode_99" under the following license: License:  CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------

My letter to SEC and Yahoo

Message ID: 217995 Posted By: saltydogmn Posted On: 2004-12-29 10:57:00 Subject: My letter to SEC and Yahoo Recs: 21 I am a frequent poster of the Yahoo financial message board about the stock SCOX (Caldera International Inc), and would like to report what appears to be frequent posts by people who appear to be insiders of the company, or otherwise financially compensated by the company or agents thereof, to post false and misleading information about this stock. Over the past several months, several posters have repeatedly posted outright lies about the frivolous lawsuits the SCO Group has brought against companies it had contractual relationships with, all in the name of claiming to "own" the Linux operating system, which is impossible. These lies are intended to defraud the investing public, and steal their hard earned money from them, and at the same time, helps to pump up the stock, which is rather thinly traded, while at the same time, create fear, unce...

Hello, SEC agents!

Message ID: 187499 Posted By: saltydogmn Posted On: 2004-09-30 16:07:00 Subject: Hello, SEC agents! Recs: 16 I realize you are quite busy tracking down the *real* dangers to the financial world, like Martha Stewart, but I'm glad that you could stop in and observe what we have been seeing in this group for much too long - although it's never been this blatant before. This behavior is probably the main reason why I'll never buy stock in a company, ever. This callous disregard to the law is why they won't ever have my money to play with. I'd even say that the only difference between this crap and the mafia, is that the mafia guys are better cooks. P.S. Can you finally string these pricks up, PLEASE?!?!? ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "saltydogmn" under the following license: License: ...

New letter finished (finally)

Message ID: 170625 Posted By: freecode_99 Posted On: 2004-08-22 17:13:00 Subject: New letter finished (finally) Recs: 6 This "Sh*t for brains" person has finished his letter to the following: Public Company Accounting Oversight Board 1251 Avenue of The Americas New York, NY 10020 SEC Complaint Center 450 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20549-0213 New York State Office of the Attorney General Attn: Eliot Spitzer Bureau of Investor Protection and Securities 120 Broadway New York, NY 10271 Senator Chris Dodd SR-448 Russell Building United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Senator Chris Dodd Putnam Park 100 Great Meadow Road Wethersfield, CT 06109 Senator Charles E. Schumer 757 Third Avenue, Suite 17-02 New York, NY 10017 FBI 615 East Houston, Room 200 San Antonio, Texas 78205 In RE: Violation of RULE 33-7881, RULE 105b-1, RULE 105b-2 Have a nice day. Don't worry, be happy! freecode -------------------------------...

January 4 Sarbanes-Oxley Letter

Message ID: 142523 Posted By: freecode_99 Posted On: 2004-06-09 09:13:00 Subject: January 4 Sarbanes-Oxley Letter Recs: 9 "January 4, 2004 Public Company Accounting Oversight Board 1666 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20006-2803 Public Company Accounting Oversight Board 1251 Avenue of The Americas New York, NY 10020 SEC Complaint Center 450 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20549-0213 New York State Office of the Attorney General Attn: Eliot Spitzer Bureau of Investor Protection and Securities 120 Broadway New York, NY 10271 RE: Potential Sarbanes-Oxley violations by the Public Company now known as the SCO Group, formerly known as Caldera, Inc., Caldera Systems, and Caldera International, a Canopy Group company for failure to disclose known risks in SEC filings with consistency for a period of no less than 6 months" Before you ask luddite, they do have these letters and they are specific as to the violations by section. The non-disclosure of th...

A letter

Message ID: 142318 Posted By: freecode_99 Posted On: 2004-06-08 15:54:00 Subject: A letter Recs: 12 "March 7, 2004 Office of Policy and Evaluation Room 394 Bureau of Competition Federal Trade Commission 600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington, D.C. 20580 The Technical Committee 10500 NE 8th Street, Suite 625 Bellevue, WA 98004 Coordinated State Enforcement of Microsoft Antitrust Judgments c/o California Office of the Attorney General 455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 11000 San Francisco, CA 94102 New York State Office of the Attorney General Attn: Eliot Spitzer Bureau of Investor Protection and Securities 120 Broadway New York, NY 10271 Mr. Richard Blumenthal Attorney General, State of Connecticut P.O. Box 120 Hartford, Connecticut 06141-0120 Mr. Greg Abbott Office of the Attorney General PO Box 12548 Austin, TX 78711-2548 Federal Bureau of Investigation J. Edgar Hoover Building 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20535...

If the MS payment is a loan, then...

Message ID: 86875 Posted By: freecode_99 Posted On: 2004-01-29 08:50:00 Subject: If the MS Payment IS a loan, then... Recs: 8 time to report it to the observers of the MSFT antitrust settlement. That goes above and beyond and would amount to interference by proxy without any clean separation. It would put serious egg on their claims of non-involvement in the whole deal, and would put serious questions up about the viability of the Antitrust settlement altogether. If you can show me the link that determines it is a loan - I will gladly write the letters once again. It is time we stopped the BS and got on with business - so that means an end to the tortuous interference via proxy here. Please provide that link or bit which shows the loan status and I will get to writing an effective letter of complaint. I have also delivered my letters written to the SEC, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board and the NY State AG to the Wall Street Journal's Managing and A...

Letter to NASDAQ

Message ID: 81320 Posted By: preadapted Posted On: 2004-01-15 11:39:00 Subject: Letter to NASDAQ Recs: 12 re: com%2flogos%2fSCOX.GIF&pageName=Company%20News&selected=SCOX&consumer=NDQ&StoryT argetFrame=_top&market=Nasdaq-SCM&coname=SCO%20Group,%20Inc.%20(The)&symbol=SCOX&cpath=20040115ACQPRN200401150801PR_NEWS_B_WES_LA_LATH030.htm from post # 81234 this AM Dear Sirs, I have read the article posted at the above URL and would respectfully request that you seriously consider the following: The Linux community is indeed in an uproar regarding what it perceives as an attempt to hijack hundreds of man years of legitimate copyrighted contributions by largely professional programmers from throughout the world, to a free and openly sourced computer operating system. These ladies and gentlemen quite rightly resent being characterized as "teenaged bedroo...