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Showing posts from July, 2003

Boycott SCO/Canopy email campaign

Message ID: 21181 Posted By: walterbyrd Posted On: 2003-07-25 11:48:00 Subject: Boycott SCO/Canopy email campaign Recs: 7 Boycott SCO/Canopy email campaign. I've already done most of the work for you. Please take few minutes to send an email to these canopy group portfolio companies. I am also including a list of canopy group web-sites, and a sample of the letter that I have sent to all of these companies. I want to make it clear that I am not just sending emails. I actually intend to do all that I can to boycott these companies, and to have others boycott these companies. I want as many companies as possible to understand that any affiliation with canopy group could cause those companies to lose sales - during a time when so many technology companies are already suffering from slow sales. Maybe this won't make a world of difference. But, if enough people will just send an email, maybe this will put a little pressure on the canopy group crime syndi...

My complaint to the SEC

Message ID: 20984 Posted By: walterbyrd Posted On: 2003-07-24 14:07:00 Subject: My complaint to the SEC Recs: 6 if enough people complain, maybe somebody will notice. It only takes a minute. Here is the web-site, and a sample letter. h**p:// I am writing to file a complaint regarding the actions of the SCO Group, and it’s controlling company: Canopy Group. SCO is making unspecific and unsubstantiated claims that it owns copyright pertaining to the Linux operating system. SCO has indicated that the only way for a company to use Linux legally is to buy SCO’s own UnixWare product. If Linux users were, in fact, legally required to purchase UnixWare, this would substantially boost SCO’s revenue. However, SCO has no legal basis to force companies to buy their products; and SCO knows it. I know this because I have specifically informed SCO that I am using Linux, and that I will not buy UnixWare. Predictably, SCO is not taking any legal acti...