Message ID: 21181 Posted By: walterbyrd Posted On: 2003-07-25 11:48:00 Subject: Boycott SCO/Canopy email campaign Recs: 7 Boycott SCO/Canopy email campaign. I've already done most of the work for you. Please take few minutes to send an email to these canopy group portfolio companies. I am also including a list of canopy group web-sites, and a sample of the letter that I have sent to all of these companies. I want to make it clear that I am not just sending emails. I actually intend to do all that I can to boycott these companies, and to have others boycott these companies. I want as many companies as possible to understand that any affiliation with canopy group could cause those companies to lose sales - during a time when so many technology companies are already suffering from slow sales. Maybe this won't make a world of difference. But, if enough people will just send an email, maybe this will put a little pressure on the canopy group crime syndi...
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